Jotiraditya Banerjee, Backend Developer and AI Specialist, with a focus on automation and business growth.

Working on thesis

Studying in Jadavpur University

Hello Visitor,
Jotiraditya Banerjee

With a strong focus on backend development, automation, and AI, I am passionate about leveraging technology to drive business growth and efficiency. My expertise spans across creating robust backend systems, optimizing automation workflows, and implementing AI solutions that enhance decision-making and operational success.

About me


Focusing on all the major skills your business needs.
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Web Development
Product Management
Algorithmic Trading
Scalable Backends
Cloud Computing


Check out all of my certifications in major domains

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My Tech Stack

My tech stack includes modern languages, frameworks, and platforms, enabling efficient and robust solutions. I am flexible and open to adopting new technologies to meet each project's unique requirements.
Jotiraditya Banerjee's technical expertise includes MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, JavaScript, Next.js, Python, C++, React, Node.js, ExpressJS, and advanced tools like MATLAB, Simulink, and Ansys, showcasing a versatile and powerful stack for modern web development, AI, and cloud computing.

My Work Experience

This is an image of Indian Statistical Institute Logo

Indian Statistical Institute

Research Intern

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - In Person

June 2024


August 2024

As a Research Intern at the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata, I spearheaded a project aimed at detecting diabetic retinopathy, utilizing and enhancing the DenseNet121 architecture. Through the introduction of novel modifications, I successfully achieved a 96% accuracy on the DDR dataset, marking a significant improvement over previous benchmarks and contributing valuable advancements to the field.

This is a picture of IIFL Securties logo

IIFL Securities

Equity Research Intern

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - In Person

March 2024


May 2024

At IIFL Securities, I played a pivotal role in synthesizing comprehensive buy-side equity research reports, which were instrumental in shaping informed investment strategies. I also conducted a thorough analysis of Asset Management Companies' equity holdings, uncovering strategic insights that significantly influenced portfolio management decisions. Additionally, I successfully pioneered the integration of AI into operational workflows, dramatically enhancing efficiency and ensuring robust compliance with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.

Tata Steel


Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Remote

Dec 2023


Mar 2024

During my internship at Tata Steel, I gained invaluable hands-on experience in the steel manufacturing industry. My primary responsibilities included analyzing production processes, identifying inefficiencies, and recommending improvements. I collaborated closely with senior engineers and participated in team meetings to discuss project progress and innovative solutions. I also had the opportunity to work on a project to optimize the supply chain, which involved data analysis and the application of lean manufacturing principles.

This is an image of Institute Innovation Council Jadavpur logo

IIC Jadavpur

Student Representative

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - In Person

January 2024



CFA(Computer Scienece for all company logo)

CS For All

Growth Strategy Specialist & Software Development Engineer

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - In Person

October 2022


May 2023

As a Founding member of the CS FOR ALL team, I am dedicated to crafting a brighter
future for all by providing job opportunities and career development for 70k+ job seekers on
our platform.

I specialize in growth and strategy, utilizing my expertise to drive the company's expansion
and success. I am skilled in creating and implementing business plans, identifying market
opportunities, and analyzing data to make informed decisions.

I deeply understand the MERN stack development and the ability to develop
scalable and efficient web applications. I have experience in building end-to-end web
applications using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Reach out today and let's discuss about how you can reach your goals.