Working on thesis

Picture of Jotiraditya Banerjee

Building Robust AI Solutions for Business Growth

Crafting scalable backend systems that empower businesses with seamless operations, cloud efficiency, and intelligent automation.


I offer comprehensive services in growth hacking, AI & ML, and finance. My expertise helps businesses accelerate growth, harness the power of artificial intelligence, and optimize financial strategies for sustainable success.


Harness the power of artificial intelligence to transform your business operations, improve decision-making, and drive innovation.
Banner image of Artificial Intelligence

Cloud & Security

Unlock the potential of cloud computing to enhance flexibility, security, and scalability for your business infrastructure with best-in-class security measures to keep your data protected.
Banner Image of Cloud Computing

Scalable Backends

Build robust, scalable backend systems that ensure seamless performance and support your growing business demands.
Banner Image of Scalable Backends


Streamline your workflows and enhance efficiency with our cutting-edge automation solutions tailored to your unique needs.
Banner Image of Automation

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My Tech Stack

My tech stack includes modern languages, frameworks, and platforms, enabling efficient and robust solutions. I am flexible and open to adopting new technologies to meet each project's unique requirements.
Jotiraditya Banerjee's technical expertise includes MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, JavaScript, Next.js, Python, C++, React, Node.js, ExpressJS, and advanced tools like MATLAB, Simulink, and Ansys, showcasing a versatile and powerful stack for modern web development, AI, and cloud computing.

Featured Projects

Banner image for the project Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Deep Learning
Research Paper
AI & Ml

Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is vital for effective intervention and management. This study introduces an innovative methodology leveraging deep learning and the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) to address class imbalance in datasets.

Banner image for the project Re-Collab
Side Project
Full Stack Development


Developed a real-time collaborative platform designed for teams and friends to connect and work together. The project includes features such as real-time messaging, channel creation, and secure user authentication. The platform received commendation for its smooth functionality and user experience during project evaluations.

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Seamlessly integrating the tools and technologies you need to build robust, scalable backends, ensuring efficiency without compromising on performance or innovation.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Reach out today and let's discuss about how you can reach your goals.